Ebook Energy Security An Interdisciplinary Approach
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Security of Energy supply is a major concern for all modern societies, intensified by skyrocketing demand in India and China and increasing international competition over fossil fuel deposits. Energy Security: An Interdisciplinary Approach gives A comparative analysis from both consumers' and producers' perspectives. It uniquely combines economics, geology, international relations, business, history, public management and political science, in one comprehensive volume, highlighting the vulnerabilities and need to move to more sustainable energy sources. The author provides a number of useful case studies to demonstrate the theory, including perspectives from consuming regions such as the United States, the European Union, and China, and from exporting regions; the Middle East, Africa, Russia and the Caspian Sea. Key features include: coverage on theoretical and empirical frameworks so readers are able to analyse concepts relevant to new laws and policies in energy security up-to-date coverage on ‘green energy', outlining research on the balance between meeting energy needs and avoiding polluting the environment an examination of the three most prominent international energy organizations; International Energy Agency, International Energy Forum, and Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries a full Glossary listing all important terms used in the energy field This study holds important information for policymakers, politicians, energy specialists, scientists and post-graduate and final year students of energy and international relations. With its clear written style, it will also engage other professionals who are interested in international political economy and the future of global energy. Mission Statement - Energy Institute The Energy Institute fosters interdisciplinary interactions among colleges and schools across campus while serving as a portal for external audiences interested in ... Shell Global Shell Global Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies. Learn more about Shell on our global website. Start Nexus - The Water Energy & Food Security Resource ... Research to Help Mitigate Future Shocks to Californias Water Food and Energy Supplies. By Anthony King. The California drought may be unofficially over but that ... West Texas A&M University: Interdisciplinary Masters Masters of Arts or Science in Interdisciplinary Studies: For information about the Interdisciplinary Studies program with an emphasis in Professional Chemistry ... Business Planning A Revolutionary Approach to Business ... The Home of the 4 Hour Investor Grade Business Plan. Faster investor quality documentation using HyperQuestions Energy Academy Europe Education research and innovation ... Energy Academy Europe brings together relevant activities partners and networks to work on the energy transition. We do so under our three pillars: education ... Energy policy of the European Union - Wikipedia Energy Union. The Energy Union Strategy is a project of the European Commission to coordinate the transformation of European energy supply. It was launched in ... Melbourne Energy Institute - University of Melbourne The Melbourne Energy Institute is actively engaged in the public debate surrounding issues related to energy and hosts regular public lectures on important energy ... ScienceDirect.com Science health and medical journals ... ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific technical and medical research. Explore journals books and articles. Global Security Sciences Home - Global Security Sciences Welcome to the Global Security Sciences Division at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory
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